After purchasing a house or after shifting into new house, everyone plans to decorate their home in their own way, in their own style. Some tries to make their wall looks beautiful by attaching pictures, decorative items like lamps, bulbs etc. Some tries to make their flooring looks to be best. In all of these one thing is common to every house and equally important to each house in terms of decorative as well as style manner that is coloring of house. Walls colors, roof colors specially make their your home to appear attractive.
How to color your house -
The most used way to color your home is according to your architecture. You can create different color combinations according to the architecture material present in different respective locations. For this many companies provide services to help you to choose your best color combinations. They also have many planned color combinations from which you can select the attractive one.
Some of the biggest companies available in market are Asian paints, Nero lac etc. You can view there color schemes online also via these links -
Some more companies are -
For a bolder approach, try using two different colors in the same room. For example, paint a built-in bookcase or niche a shade of green in a room with blue walls, which will highlight the items on the bookcase or inside the recessed area. Of course, architectural elements can also provide continuity throughout a house if they are painted the same color in every room.
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